Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Uh!  It's raining again.  You know, everyone says that April Showers bring May Flowers; I guess that means we're supposed to look on the good side of things.  But when you forgot your umbrella at home and you have half a mile to walk to get to the school building from your car, I've found it hard to feel kindly towards rain.

In the mean time, rain makes me feel sleepy and unfortunately "sleepy" and "school work" just don't like to mix.  If this were my day off, I'd probably just hang out in my room and work on Song of the Daystar all day.  But it's not.  *sigh*  Which means I have to go to work after school.  Fun right?

Anyway, enough of my complaining.  At least it's warm out and the trees are starting to bloom.  That's good.

What do you do on an ucky, rainy day?


Eldra From Daremo said...

On rainy days, I either read or write. Oh, on Wayne Thomas Batson's blog, you mentioned that you're looking for book suggestions to read. If you're into science fiction, I'd recommend the Firebird Trilogy by Kathy Tyers. If you want a really challenging read, try Shivering World. Since Kathy has a degree in microbiology, she's put a lot of technical scienticif terms in it. It took me over a week to read because I could only read it in 50 page bursts, otherwise my mind would get rather frazzled. What do you like to read?


Star-Dreamer said...

I'm all for sci-fi and Fantasy... but i tend to lean towards Fantasy. WTB's books were right up my alley, as are Donita K. Paul's, but I also enjoyed the Wrinkle in Time books and some other sci-fi... I'll check out those books you mentioned; thanks!

Eldra From Daremo said...

Cool! Since you enjoy fantasy, maybe you should try Chuck Black's books. They're very similar to The Door Within, with the basic story of the Bible put in a more medieval setting. He has six books in the main series (The Kingdom Series), plus another four that are kind of like extras to the main story.

"Never alone!" - The Door Within

"The King reigns!"
"And His Son!" - The Kingdom Series


Star-Dreamer said...

I think I did start those once... but I never got them finished. I know my church sells them in the bookstore though. I'll look deeper into them, thanks! :)