I am 22, a devout Christian, oldest of six children, and was homeschooled up to my first semester in college in the Spring of O9. I am a lot of things: older sister, loyal daughter, singer/songwriter/guitarist, artist, and sometimes I go a little fan-crazy.
But I am one thing above all else: a writer.
Writing is my passion, my life. It may sound cliché, but if I did nothing else, I could probably live off of writing alone, that's how passionate I am about it. At 16 I began my first novel. I’ve since completed three rough drafts of different stories and I’m currently working on the final edit of "Song of the Daystar”, a novel in progress for about three years now. My goal this year (2010) is to get it on an editor’s desk before Christmas. I don't believe it's impossible, but all prayers would be more than appreciated.
My current Blog "The Pen and Parchment" is a place I go to discuss different subjects I find interesting, first and foremost the art of writing, and then that of reading, and so on. It’s a fairly new blog and I am fairly new to blogging, so please be patient with me.
For more info on "Song of the Daystar" please continue to check out my blog; I will be posting more info on SOTD as I go.
To view some of my artwork, please visit: www.dragonblade99.deviantart.com