Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Exciting Moment

Time is running short! Though not so much for me. It is now the 25th; that means there are only 7 days left to enter the C.S. Lewis contest. Finish those last few critiques, but remember… while it is preferred that the story has good grammar and whatnot, you can only do so much with it in a month. I know I’ve been pounding ya, but I can’t help it! I’m just as excited as you guys! *happy grin*.

But no more pounding, I PROMISE. I’ll hold off as long as I can.

On a completely different note, how many of you out there have heard of Marcher Lord Press? It’s a relatively new Indie Press specializing in Christian Spec-fic, and rapidly growing. Right now it has published 12 fiction titles, several of which have gotten rave reviews and are bestsellers. The founder of Marcher Lord, Jeff Gerke, also hosts a website titled, “Where the map Ends”. And, as a fiction writer, I was immediately intrigued by that title. After all, where the map ends there are usually dragons… and monsters… and whatever else can be conjured by imagination, because no one really knows what’s beyond the edge of a map (unless you have satellite or GPS, but for the present we are going to try and ignore such technology). “Where the Map Ends” is filled with writing advice, interviews with authors, spec-fic art, and a forum for fiction writing discussions. I have been following both “Marcher Lord Press” and “Where the Map Ends” for little over a year now, and have not been disappointed yet.

As some of you know, Marcher Lord Press has been one of the publishers I’ve been looking at for “Song of the Daystar”. I have had some correspondence with Mr. Gerke concerning SOTD’s content. Since SOTD was originally written for YA, I was unsure if I would be allowed to submit it as MLP does not publish YA. However, Mr. Gerke told me that some of his authors have had similar questions and told me to go ahead and submit it, which I did yesterday.

Yes, that is my exciting news!

I was so excited to finally finish filling out the form, and then to send it in. I received a confirmation email soon after. However, Mr. Gerke made it clear that MLP is really swamped with submissions right now, and he told me to expect at least a year before he can get to my submission.

A whole year! How am I ever going to wait that long?!


Brad said...

A year?!?
Good luck, though!

Jake said...

Yehaa! At least he told you to submit it! I love Marcher Lord Press, and I'd read ANY fantasy by them, but if you were accepted by them, it would be DOUBLY awesome!! :D

Good luck!

[PS; I would have submitted my story sooner, but there was more editing to do than I orignally anticipated, and my dad is going to look it over for me as well. So keep your eyes peeled for a new email soon...]